Southend University Hospital expands Fujifilm DR systems

Published: 30-Sep-2019

Hospital installs mobile X-ray unit to enhance digital capability

Following the popularity of a Fujifilm Retrofit room installation and FDR Go mobile in 2018; Southend University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust has recently taken delivery of a new FDR Go PLUS mobile X-ray unit to further enhance the radiology department’s digital capability.

“The new FDR Go PLUS gets used in lots of wards within the hospital, including post op, critical care, and the special care baby uinit”, said Elaine Ryan, deputy superintendent radiographer at the hospital.

“Having a DR mobile in these areas is especially useful when the doctors are requesting portables to check the position of lines – they no longer have to wait for the radiographers to walk back to the X-ray department to process the image.

“They can view the image straightaway, make any adjustments required, and ask the radiographer for a repeat all in one visit.”

She added: “Staff particularly like the dropped column and the fact you can see over the top of the mobile as you are driving along the corridor.

“The small size and great mobility of the FDR Go PLUS is also an advantage, and the height of the handle is higher than previous mobiles, which is great for your back.”

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