Better, more convenient patient care

Published: 10-Mar-2021

Dorset Care Record introduces new system for primary care information

Health and social care professionals using the Dorset Care Record are now receiving GP data in a different way that is in line with GP Connect standards.

The system has replaced the traditional Medical Interoperability Gateway (MIG) solutions and aims to support better clinical care by opening up information and data held within GP practice IT systems for use across health and social care.

Peter Gill, Dorset Care Record senior responsible officer, said: “The system will save time for clinicians, and provide better, more-convenient care for patients.

“The service makes patient medical information available to all appropriate clinicians when, and where, they need it to support direct patient care and leading to improvements in both care and outcomes.”

Among the other benefits will be:

  • Richer information with more detailed notes and readings
  • A broader level of information being exchanged
  • An easier way to facilitate new information being added – as the GP Connect standard evolves, additional information will be displayed automatically

Adopting GP Connect standard is part of the commitment made by the Dorset Care Record as part of its role within the Wessex Care Records (WCR), one of the first national Local Health and Care Records (LHCR).

LHCR programmes have been challenged to continually review and implement the latest interoperability standards, enabling information sharing both locally and nationally.

Working through the Orion Health platform, the DCR is now looking to a future in which it can start to exchange information such as medications across multiple partners in real time, enabling a far-more-cohesive and safer patient experience.

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