Royal Liverpool invests in hand-carried ultrasound systems

Published: 1-May-2013

SonoSite EDGE devices assist diagnosis and treatment of disease

The Royal Liverpool University Hospital’s interventional radiology department has invested in two SonoSite EDGE hand-carried ultrasound systems to assist diagnosis and treatment of disease.

Dr Richard McWilliams, honorary professor at the University of Liverpool and a consultant interventional radiologist, said of the move: “The EDGE offers an ultrasound system that is highly portable without sacrificing image quality, allowing it to be used in many different clinical scenarios.

“We have had the EDGE systems for just a few months, but they are already very much part of our daily lives and are used in most of our procedures, both vascular and non-vascular. They are commonly used for the vascular access of jugular veins and femoral arteries and, in non-vascular cases, for the drainage of abscesses and for nephrostomies.

“Staff response to the EDGE has been overwhelmingly positive. The imaging, particularly with the advanced needle visualisation, is fantastic, and it helps to give trainees and non-medical staff a much better understanding of what is happening during a procedure.”

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