AECOM has been appointed by Luton and Dunstable University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust to provide multi-disciplinary consultancy services and to lead the consultant design team taking forward the Full Business Case (FBC) for the hospital’s comprehensive £150m redevelopment plan.
The appointment, via an NHS SBS framework, follows on from similar work undertaken by AECOM that contributed to the trust’s board recently approving the Outline Business Case for the new facility. AECOM services will include project management, architecture, healthcare planning, engineering services design, structural design, cost consultancy, principal designer, planning and transport advice.
The five year redevelopment will keep the hospital at its present location in Luton and comprises major new buildings and significant refurbishment of existing facilities. A five-storey block will accommodate new critical care services, including an intensive care unit and high dependency unit, operating theatres, a neo-natal intensive care unit and delivery suites. A significant feature will be a new main entrance providing a central landscaped boulevard and improving access to wards and departments. Several existing wards and departments will also undergo significant refurbishment.
Paul Banks, director of AECOM’s UK + Ireland healthcare business, said: “As lead of the consultant team, we will continue to work closely with the trust and focus on ensuring the full business case demonstrates value for money and meets the trust’s objectives to provide enhanced facilities for patients, visitors and staff.”