Static Systems leads the way with investment in Design and Innovation Centre

Published: 22-Jun-2015

Centre to showcase four-bed acute hospital bay based on Procure 21+ Repeatable Ward design

Static Systems Group is creating a ground-breaking Design and Innovation Centre (D&IC), the centrepiece of which will be a full-size replica four-bed bay based on one of the Procure 21+ Repeatable Ward designs.

Located at Static Systems’ headquarters near Wolverhampton, the centre, currently under construction, will be the first of its kind in the UK and is expected to generate considerable interest from a wide range of healthcare professionals including clinicians, healthcare planners and design and construction specialists.

Inspired by the acclaimed success of an existing four-bed ward at Wombourne that has been widely used for training and education for over 10 years, Static Systems saw an opportunity to showcase one of the new acute wards that have been developed by health planners, architects, design managers, cost consultants and specialist suppliers, as part of the Procure 21+ cost reduction through standardisation programme.

Announcing the new D&IC, Static Systems’ marketing director, Phil Wade, said: “Our new ward will be available as a convenient drop-in facility.

“The previous four-bed bay has been universally praised. The facility, over a number of years, was a vital ingredient in helping our clients to design and choose the most-suitable bedhead services solutions for their projects.”

He added: “Static Systems has been encouraged by the support from a number of specialist suppliers who have contributed through the provision of materials and services in the construction of the ward.

“It was clear that there was no central funding available for a mock-up of this type, so we thought we would take the initiative.”

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