Patients can wait for appointments virtually via their mobile device

Published: 4-Apr-2018

Qmatic launches Mobile Ticket to enable healthcare organisations to take the patient experience to the next level

A new addition to the Qmatic customer journey mobile solution, Mobile Ticket, enables healthcare managers to significantly improve the experience of patients in outpatient departments by enabling them to use their mobile device to select a service and join a virtual queue.

Patients can simply open a web app, or scan a QR code if they prefer, and receive all the details they need regarding their appointment. This eliminates the friction of patients having to wait inline to see a receptionist and gives them information about where to go and which clinician to see, efficiently guiding patients to the right place and ensuring they are fully informed about the status of their appointment.

Qmatic Mobile Ticket is designed to create value in several ways: saving precious time for the user with an intuitive interface, giving staff key information so they can prepare for the patient’s appointment, and providing valuable data to healthcare authorities to help them adjust their operations in real-time to match patient numbers.

The mobile app has been updated to further improve user friendliness, capacity optimisation and security.

Among the new features is the option to scan a QR-code when a patient arrives at a healthcare facility for their appointment.

By using the QR-code option, the user gets a digital ticket without having to download an app or giving out any personal information – for example, a phone number.

Vanessa Walmsley, Qmatic UK managing director, said: “Data security and convenience are top of mind for most users.

“We have noticed a general trend where users are increasingly reluctant to download apps.

“Our new Mobile Ticket solution combats this trend by delivering an instantly-accessible platform through a QR code, enabling patients to join a virtual queue while they wait for the service they require.

“This means less effort is required from the patient, and that healthcare authorities can capture critical patient journey data, such as waiting times.

“We recognise that visitors expect the same level of convenience from their healthcare services that they get in other aspects of their lives, and we are committed to enabling that transition.”

The solution includes several new improvements developed in collaboration with Qmatic’s customers and partners, including optimisation of the code to make the system load faster in environments with limited mobile data coverage.

We have noticed a general trend where users are increasingly reluctant to download apps. Mobile Ticket solution combats this trend by delivering an instantly-accessible platform through a QR code, enabling patients to join a virtual queue while they wait for the service they require

By using positioning and other data more efficiently, the update will provide intelligent features for healthcare authorities to ensure smoother patient journeys, for instance co-ordinating the solution with staffing levels in various departments.

The platform can also offer a quick patient feedback survey, a feature that is growing in importance for NHS trusts striving to improve the patient experience and make it more efficient.

Qmatic Mobile Ticket offers unique value in enabling healthcare authorities to develop much more seamless, efficient patient journeys, and to optimise their workforce in hospitals to respond to patient behaviour.

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