Go-live for NHS SBS clinical info systems framework

Published: 25-Feb-2015

Framework will reduce procurement costs and enable trusts to localise their requirements

A healthcare clinical information systems framework has gone live that will enable NHS providers to save time and money during the procurement process while still enabling them to localise their system requirements.

In total, 26 suppliers have been awarded places on the framework that has been developed by leading business support specialist, NHS Shared Business Services (NHS SBS), in close collaboration with trusts and specialist bodies across the UK.

To make it easier for SMEs to participate, NHS SBS undertook an open procedure tender process. The final framework, which has a potential spend of £1.25billion, includes a number of SMEs, as well as better-known suppliers.

The framework will operate for four years, with an option of extending this for a further two years, and is free for any NHS organisation to access.

With much of the legwork already completed, the framework will enable providers to avoid having to go through the full OJEU process. Instead they will be able to localise their requirements by holding mini competitions with suppliers on the framework, significantly shortening the timescale and cost of procuring complex systems.

The framework is divided into six lots covering core clinical systems; theatre clinical systems; integrated emergency care clinical systems; child health systems; maternity systems and specialist electronic prescribing clinical systems.

The framework has brought together a combination of suppliers who are in the best position to help providers reap the benefits of clinical information systems that can drive forward improvements in patient care

To ensure the framework remains agile in the face of rapidly evolving technology, the appointed suppliers will be able to bring forward new releases throughout the life of the agreement.

NHS SBS director of procurement, Peter Akid, said: “This framework is about achieving a far more efficient and strategic way of procuring complex clinical systems that reduces the procurement timescales and save tens of thousands of pounds in the process.

“We had an overwhelming number of expressions of interest from suppliers last year. In the intervening months we have ensured that providers, including specialist clinicians, lead pharmacists and doctors, have been in the driving seat when it comes to defining the specifications and evaluating system functionality, to ensure the framework is right for them.

“As part of this process interoperability and integration of the systems was a key consideration and so too was the ability of trusts to fine tune the products to their particular requirements.

“The framework has brought together a combination of suppliers who are in the best position to help providers reap the benefits of clinical information systems that can drive forward improvements in patient care.”

The list of companies on the framework is as follows: Advanced Computer Software; Agfa Healthcare UK; Allscripts; Atos; Centennial; CGI IT UK; Civica; Clevermed; Comtact Healthcare; CSC; EMIS; EuroKing Maternity Solutions; CSE; GE Medical Systems; Health Insights Technologies; Hewlett-Packard; Hospedia; IMS Maxims; Fukuda Denshi; Maternity Neighbourhood; Noemalife; Ideagen; Northgate Information Solutions; TPP; Trisoft; System C Healthcare.

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