ISG and CMB Engineering collaborate on momentous project for Cardiff University

Published: 27-Feb-2024

ISG and CMB Engineering have collaborated on a relocation project that means for the first time since its inception, Cardiff University’s School of Healthcare Sciences is located on a single site

The Health Care Relocation project of Cardiff University's School of Healthcare Sciences has placed the department on a single site since its inception.

CMB Engineering, a mechanical engineering company, secured the mechanical and electrical contract for this project and worked closely with the main contractor Interior Services Group (ISG), a construction company. 

Alongside subcontractors, CMB Engineering and ISG managed to deliver two fully refurbished buildings in less than 10 months in December 2023.

The Health Care Relocation involved the refurbishment of two buildings in the former Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) site. 

The two buildings opened in January 2024, are used by Cardiff University to accommodate the healthcare school’s new teaching and practical spaces and include the addition of:

  • New offices
  • Meeting rooms
  • Practical rooms for the development and assessment of physical skills Communication booths
  • A simulation suite based on a realistic hospital ward setting
  • Student study and breakout spaces 
  • Additional welfare facilities including a living suite and garden spaces

ISG and CMB Engineering collaborate on momentous project for Cardiff University

Nick Furzeland, ISG Operations Manager, said: “This project has genuinely been a true collaborative effort from start to finish, and one of the most enjoyable and rewarding projects I have worked on in my career to date.”

ISG and CMB Engineering collaborate on momentous project for Cardiff University

Professor David Whitaker, Head of the School of Healthcare Sciences for Cardiff University, said: "This is an ambitious project with our intention to deliver education in our newly redeveloped building from January 2024.”

“What the past few years have proved is that, as a School community, we tackle challenges wholeheartedly and successfully,” Whitaker explained. “The contribution of our staff and students to the pandemic was nothing short of outstanding; with students deployed to work in our embattled NHS and staff providing essential training for NHS workers."

“This redevelopment project will give us a bespoke facility that will ensure we continue to help students become the best possible healthcare professionals,” Whitaker concluded.


Images credit: CMB Engineering

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